Group 08
A: Fancy Footwork
Grabber and Zapper; 4-0; +∞, 
B: Follow my Leader?
Grabber, Pusher, and Zapper; 2-0; 220s, 
C: The Venus Fly Trap Trap
Grabber, Pusher, and Zapper; 2-0; +∞, 
D: Letsby Avenue
Pusher and Zapper; 0-2; +∞, 
E: Like Rats in a Barrel
Grabber, Pusher, and Zapper; 0-6; +∞, 
F: Chase the Ace
Grabber, Pusher, and Zapper; 2-0; +∞, 
G: The Best Laid Plan of Mice and Men
Grabber, Pusher, and Zapper; 4-0; +∞, 
H: The Domino Effect
Grabber and Pusher; 1-3; +∞, 
The only objects that will count as being destroyed are the three Exchangers. So, Grabber should quickly exchange with the Exchanger in the middle, collect the Klondike and, move in its place, and exchange with the first Exchanger and the last, before the Worms detonate the Proximity Mines! Unfortunately, I did not succeed in saving Pusher.
I: Collecting the Long Stand
Grabber, Pusher, and Zapper; 1-0; 260s, 
A clever one in which I could not save Zapper... Zapper must destroy the closest, rotating Zapping Canon and then "suicide" with the Proximity Mind. Grabber must lower the lift using the Force Down. Then, Pusher should free the remaining up lift by pushing the Blocks around, without blocking the Klondike. It can then go down and must follow (not precede) the Block so that this Block is pushed around until it blocks the remaining Zapping Canon. Now, Grabber and follow Pusher back to the lift, the Pushing Canons cannot push the two of them. Grabber can then collect the first Klondike and then go up and collect the last Klondike.
The last three changes:Tygre - 2015-05-09 10:51:09 am | Tygre - 2014-10-04 11:34:33 pm | Tygre - 2014-10-04 11:33:17 pm