Triki Wiki / 2020-09-17 15:49:25

The Wiki that you are currently reading is an instance of the Triki Wiki by Tim Reeves (details). Triki Wiki is a nice, simple, elegant, file-based, PHP-implemented Wiki, perfect to run on a A1200. It installed nicely, just unzip its archive and set some parameters in the file config.php. It requires some fine-tuning when installing the FCKEditor v2.6.11 and improving its visual display: all fun in PHP .

There was a strange bug with the uploading-related PHP functions, such as move_upload_file(), which would result into corrupted POST-uploaded files. It turns out that the problem was due to an interaction between thttpd and the IXEmul library v63.1. The problem disappeared when downgrading to v48.3 .

I recently implemented an extension for Triki Wiki, which makes it easy to implement such extensions! , to cache the HTML pages generated from the Wiki pages. This extension greatly speeds up the serving of the pages. Below, I explain my extension, which source code is freely available here.

Source Code Comments

function isNodeInCache($title) {
    global $nodedir;

    // blacklist the title
    if (blacklistTitle($title)) {
        return false;

    $wikiFile  = $nodedir.$title.".wiki";
    $cacheFile = $nodedir.$title.".cache";
    if (file_exists($wikiFile) &&
        file_exists($cacheFile) &&
        filemtime($wikiFile) < filemtime($cacheFile)) {

        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

function saveNodeContentsInCache($title, $node) {
    global $nodedir;

    // open the file
    $file = fopen($nodedir.$title.".cache", "w");
    if ($file === false) return false;

    // and lock it
    flock($file, LOCK_EX);

    // write content
    fwrite($file, $node);

    // finish
    flock($file, LOCK_UN);

function getNodeContentsFromCache($title) {
    global $nodedir;

    if (!isNodeInCache($title)) return false;

    // open the file
    $file = fopen($nodedir.$title.".cache", "r");
    if ($file === false) return false;

    // and lock it
    flock($file, LOCK_SH);

    // read content
    $html = fread($file, 65535);
    $html = rtrim($html);

    // finish
    flock($file, LOCK_UN);

    return $html;



This method is used in parse.php to check whether a cached HTML file exists or not when a Wiki page is requested.

















This function saved the HTML generated by Triki Wiki when parsing a Wiki page.












This function returns the content of the HTML cache file when it exists.