FAQ / 2015-09-05 10:23:01

How to prevent Guru meditation "8000 000B" if one of the partition is unvalidated?

I added a call to DiskSalv first thing in the Startup-sequence:

DiskSalv FROM=CF2: TO:CF4: MODE=Salvage

so that it "locks" the partition and prevents the Guru meditation. Then, after having tried to repair unsuccessfully the disk, I fixed the problem using the salvage mode! Bad blocks still remained so I had to finally re-format the partition.


What is the relation between the AmigaOSes and the new AROS and MorphOS?


Relations among AmigaOSes and others


How can I start AmiKit immediately after booting Windows XP/7?

The trick that the AmiKit launcher uses is the -datapath command-line parameter to WinUAE. So, to run the same configuration as the launcher does:

  1. Create a shortcut in the Startup folder in the Start menu, in All programs.
  2. Select the shortcut, right-click, and then select "Properties".
  3. Edit the properties as follows:
    • Target:  C:\AmiKit\WinUAE\winuae.exe -datapath C:\AmiKit\WinUAE -f "../WinUAE/Configurations/AmiKit.UAE" -s use_gui=no
    • Start in: C:\AmiKit\WinUAE


What is your naming scheme for your computers and their IP addresses?

My naming scheme is based on Korean words at home and at work:

Computers Names Meanings IPs
Classic A1200 (Web Server) Chingu 친구
Power Macintosh G4 Nabi 나비 Butterfly .60
Dell PowerEdge 600SC Makoli 막걸리 Farmer liquor .50
Classic A1200 (Evo X500) GibChingu 친구
House friend .40
Raspberry PI 1 Model B Chamsae 참새
Sparrow .30
EeePC 1005HA Haru 하루 Daytime .10
HP EliteBook 2740p Tcheck
Book Dynamic
Classic A2000 HD HoeSangja 회상자 Time box N/A
FPGA Arcade BogjeDoen 복제된
Cloned N/A
WinUAE DongilGeon 동일건 Same thing N/A
Commodore C64 Gocham 고참 Old-timer N/A


How to get the best of MWB, NewIcons, and MCP on a 16- or 32-colour screen?

The combination of the new IconLibrary, MagicWB, MCP, and NewIcons can really, really improve the visual quality of your Workbench and its icons but can be tricky to configure... After some research, two options (with two additional options each) in MCP and NewIcons control the visual display of icons:

Visual Look MCP NewIcons Comments
  Unselect No Iconborder Unselect No Borders This combination results in no trashing and nice looking icons but they have ugly border and no transparency.
  Unselect No Iconborder

Select No Borders

Unselect Transparent

This combination results in old icons looking ugly.
  Unselect No Iconborder

Select No Borders

Unselect Transparent
This combination results in old icons looking ugly and icons "trashing" when being selected: between the unselected and selected states, the image looks ugly with weird colours.
  Select No Border Unselect No Borders This combination is the best: all icons look nice, there is no "trashing" and, of course, no ugly borders!
  Select No Border & No Backfill Unselect No Borders This combination shows ugly old icons but no trashing.


The winner is thus:

  • selecting only the No Border option in the No Iconborder item of the Global Features of MCP;
  • unselecting No Borders in the NewIcons preferences.