FAQ / 2015-07-31 08:18:19

I use a CF hard disk. One of the partition is unvalidated. During the validation process, the Amiga crashes with Guru meditation "8000 000B". What can I do?

I added a call to DiskSalv first thing in the Startup-sequence:

DiskSalv FROM=CF2: TO:CF4: MODE=Salvage

so that it "locks" the partition and prevents the Guru meditation. Then, after having tried to repair unsuccessfully the disk, I fixed the problem using the salvage mode! Bad blocks still remained so I had to finally re-format the partition.


What is the relation between the AmigaOSes and the new AROS and MorphOS?


Relations among AmigaOSes and others


How can I start AmiKit immediately after booting Windows XP/7?

The trick that the AmiKit launcher uses is the -datapath command-line parameter to WinUAE. So, to run the same configuration as the launcher does:

  1. Create a shortcut in the Startup folder in the Start menu, in All programs.
  2. Select the shortcut, right-click, and then select "Properties".
  3. Edit the properties as follows:
    • Target:  C:\AmiKit\WinUAE\winuae.exe -datapath C:\AmiKit\WinUAE -f "../WinUAE/Configurations/AmiKit.UAE" -s use_gui=no
    • Start in: C:\AmiKit\WinUAE