Samba / 2019-12-27 11:17:56

Side of the Raspberry PI

Installing Samba on a Raspberry PI is straightforward and many pages explain the steps. I found that this page is particularly simple and clear.

Two caveats though! The Samba clients on the Amiga support (as of December 2019) only the NT LAN Manager protocol v1, which is quite vulnerable... So:

  1. Do not use Amiga Samba on insecure networks...
  2. Configure the server to accept NTLMv1 protocol by adding to global:


ntlm auth = ntlmv1-permitted


Side of the Amiga

Installing Samba is not that complicated and great resources exist out there to help. This page is strongly inspired by the page available on the Birra Borthers' page.

  1. Download the base archive at samba-2.2.5-base.lha (also available upon request by e-mail) and extract its content to your disk, for example in SYS:;
  2. Download the 68k binaries at samba-2.2.5-bin-2.3-68k.lha (also available upon request by e-mail) and extract its content to your disk, for example in SYS:samba-2.2.5/;
  3. Read the INSTALL.AMIGA file, it could save you a lots of troubles later!
  4. Follow the steps provided by Tiger to configure Miami to work with Samba, they work straight out-of-the box for me;
  5. My Samba configuration file tells pretty much all about configuring the Amiga side.


Using this configuration, I managed to access the content of the Amiga from the PC directly:

Makoli -> Chingu


Also, using smbfs, I can browse the content of the PC directly from the Amiga. WARNING, you must set the stack to (at least) 40,000 bytes using stack 40000 before running smbfs, else you will meet the Guru. I have a script that contains the following lines (the *** just hide my username and password ):

Stack 40000
      USER=*** \
      PASSWORD=*** \
      SERVICE=//MAKOLI/Amiga \
      DEVICE=SMBFS0: \
      VOLUME=Makoli: \

 Chingu -> Makoli


Other useful resources include: