Chingu Benchmarks / 2013-02-03 17:01:07
Something amazing about the AmigaOS is that it allows for the "easy" extensions/replacements of many of its parts. Over the year, many patches have been proposed to improve the performance of the AmigaOS (for example PatchWP8 to replace the WritePixelArray8() and WritePixelLine8() functions of the graphics.library) or fix some of its bugs (for example CardPatch to fix bugs in the card.resource). Some of these patches may interfer with one another or other legit programs and libraries but a careful selection and ordering of patches can greatly speed up (and increase the usability) of the OS.
Computing Power
Two programs to measure performance are AIBB v6.5 and SysSpeed v2.6. Below are the results of these two programs for various configurations of the Startup-Sequence. The leftmost column of the table shows the patches and their ordering in the Startup-Sequence. It also show the any program run before a patch if needed.
Some performance benchmarks
Patches |
SysSpeed |
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BlizKick KICKFILE="DEVS:Kickstarts/Kick40680.a1200" EXTRESBUF=40960 SPEEDROM HOGWAITBLIT QUIET MODULE BBlank FixMath404 LocalFast MoveVBR MuMove4k NewAlert NoClick PatchMath020 ROMFixes SpeedyIDE |
RamLibPatch PoolMem INSTALL
Disk Operations
The use of a modern filesystem can also greatly speed up disk operations. I recommand PFS3 (the Professional File System v5.3), which really makes a difference and is also more secure and more stable that the Fast File System. The Smart File System is a nice choice too! Below are some benchmarks comparing various disk operations between the PFS3 and the FFS.
Some disk-operation benchmarks
Filesystems |
SysSpeed |
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