BogjeDoen Hardware

Past, Present, and Future Projects

There have been several attempts to revive the Amiga hardware with modern technology. In addition to the AmigaNG hardware, several projects attempt(ed), with more or less success, to provide modern Amiga hardware. Alastair M. Robinson, over in the FPGA Arcade Slack workspace, created and shared on 20/12/10 a nice family tree of the Minimig, which includes the Replay 1 and shows the relations among several boards and initiatives.

Years Names Photos Comments Statuses
2002-2008 C-One A clone of the C=64 based on a FPGA, with support for Minimig cores. Abandoned
2005-2007 Minimig A clone of the A500/A2000 or A1000 based on a FPGA. For sale
2006-now Turbo Chameleon 64 A FPGA-based C=64 cartridge or standalone system that can mimic various computers, including the Amiga via a Minimig core. For sale
2007-2015 Natami An Amiga-compatible hardware to run natively original Commodore Amiga software with up-to-date and efficient components. Abandoned
2010-2015 MCC-216 Multiple Classic Computer 216, a clone of the A500, Amiga core was in beta. (Also MCC-TV.) Abandoned
2011-2012 Amiga 550 A clone of the A500 with a Zorro II slot, an IDE port, two clock ports, and ports for the MAS-MP3-Player and accelerator boards. (See also here.) Abandoned
2013-2015 Amy the Dream Clone A clone of the A500 in on an ATX motherboard. Abandoned
2013-now MiST A FPGA-based system that can mimic various computers, including the A1200 including the AGA chipsets. For sale
2017-2018 FleaFPGA 'Ohm' A low-cost FPGA development platfrom in a Raspberry Pi zero-style form factor. Abandoned
2017-2018 Mistica FPGA16 A simplified clone of the MiST with support for Amiga cores. Abandoned
2017-2018 STMini A simplified clone of the MiST with support for Amiga cores. Abandoned
2017-now FPGA Arcade Replay 1 A FPGA-based system that can mimic various computers, including the A1200 including the AGA chipsets. For sale
2018-now MiSTer (in French) A FPGA-based system, follow-up of MIST, with a more powerful FPGA on a Terasic DE10-Nano card. For sale
2018-now UnAmiga A FPGA-based system, inspired by MIST, with similar cores, standalone or for CheckMate. For sale
2019-2019 M5 Motherboard Mini ITX motherboard with Spartan3 - XC3S400 for a virtual 68000 OCS/ECS. For sale
2019-now? DIY-A586 A FPGA-based system to build from components. Preview
2019-2021 SiDi New version of the Mistica FPGA16. Abandoned
2020-now neptUNO FPGA FPGA with 55K cells, between MiST (25K) and MiSTer (110K), 32MB SDRAM, 2MB SRAM, 2 DB9 ports, 2 PS/2 ports, VGA output, USB connector for PS/2 keyboards, microSD, WiFi. For sale
2020-now MiSTer Mini/Drive All-in-one alternative to the MiSTer. For sale
2020-now MiSS 500 FPGA Board fitting inside a Commodore A500 case, using original A500 keyboard. For sale


FPGA Arcade Replay 1

Amedia Computer sells the FPGA Arcade Replay 1 in a ready-for-use configuration that includes an Antec Vesa 110 Mini ITX case with a SDHC-Card 8GB, an ATX adapter, and a proper backpanel. They can also include the Workbench 3.1 electronic licence as well as the original Kickstart 3.1 file. With this configuration, it is only a matter of plugging the board into a 15kHz monitor and playing!


Preparing the SD Card and the FPGA Arcade

A FPGA Arcade is built around a Replay 1 board (Reaply 2 on its way!). The Replay 1 board contains two main chips: an ARM and a 1.6M Gate Xilinx FPGA. The ARM actually starts first and takes care of setting up the FPGA using files on the SD card. Thus, updating a FPGA Arcade means updating the ARM firmware in flash memory and updating the core(s) stored in files on the SD card.

The SD card must be formatted using the FAT32 filesystem. Then, it should contain a replay.ini file and a loader that will be read/run by the FPGA Arcade when booting. (Although it is possible to start directly into the Amiga, see later).

The loader is available on the FPGA Arcade Web site. There are several posts with various versions and the latest is hard to find but seems to be in /releases/cores/R1/loader/. Download the file and unarchive it at the root of the SD Card. Now, it is time to find the latest firmware, which seems to be in Download the latest ZIP file and unarchive it in its own folder on the SD Card (e.g.,

Now, put the SD Card into the FPGA Arcade and switch it on. The loader will start and show a control menu (OSD) over a nice background image. From this menu, select a target, which will be one of the INI file available in the folder rAppUpdater of the firmware. Choose the INI file depending on your system (PAL vs. NTSC, 30 vs. 60 fps). After following the instruction (don't loose electrical power during the update!), the latest firmware is now running your FGPA Arcade .


Choosing, Installing, and Setting the Amiga Cores

The Amiga cores seem to be only availble in although other cores are available in At the moment, there are three Amiga cores available:

Choose the Amiga AGA core, download it, and install it in its own folder on the SD Card. Modify the replay.ini to match your setup (TV model, etc.)


Configuring the FPGA Arcade for the Display

I have a RCA 50" 4K Roku Smart TV model RTRU5028. I had to make several tests to find the best setttings to run my Amiga, both Workbench and games, on this TV. I connected the FPGA Arcade to the TV both using HDMI (via a DVI-to-HDMI adapter) and Composite. (There is no S-Video input in the TV).

It is important to distinguish the Loader from the chosen Amiga target: the Loader displays perfectly via HDMI and quite well via Composite. However, the Amiga target amiga_aga version 2019 doesn't display well via HDMI (see the first row in the table below) but well via Composite. Yet, I was missing the bottom part of the screen (see the first column in the table below) because I had configure the target to use NTSC rather than PAL. After changing the replay.ini file to use PAL, everything was fine... Thank you MikeJ and Gandalf!...

  Composite HDMI
Simon The Sorcerer  

... but for the Workbench, which would appear "twice" in a very poor quality of image (see table below), because I was using the DBLPAL monitor than the usual PAL high resolution. After chaning the screenmode to use the PAL monitor, everything was finally great!

  Composite HDMI

Now, I still needed to differentiate games from the Workbench: while the Workbench can use the Replay RTG driver and displays perfectly in high resolution, it is not so at all for games, which would not display through the DVI output, only through the Composite output. Moreover, while the Composite output could include sounds, playing music in AmigaAmp in the Workbench required external speakers.

The solution for me, while the cores are being improved , is to use a video converter from Composite + Audio to HDMI, which allows setting only one input in the TV, using the TV video and audio, and still having good quality pictures for both games and the Workbench!

  HDMI Output HDMI Display
Games N/A



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